There are things in life that’s beyond our control. Things that can hurt us the most. Some of these are the feeling of being unwanted, rejected and broken hearted. After a relationship has ended or let’s just says break up happens your mind is flooded with questions like; why did he/she left me? Did he/she ever love me? Why do I have to feel being unwanted and unloved? Do I really deserve this kind of pain?
Those are just some of the many questions that might run through your mind when you’ve been hurt by break ups! Of course, nobody deserves to feel being rejected and dump by the person they used to love before but we have to deal with the fact that hurt is inevitable no matter how careful you are upon choosing your partner or no matter how much you give or sacrifice in the name of love, still hurt and pain are always there.
These quotes below are some if the best Move on Quotes compiled for you to consider so feel free to relate yourself.

I know you’ve agreed on some of these Move on Quotes? Well, I know that nursing a broken heart is not that easy but keep on going and don’t let your world stop because of it. Don’t just cry of what is over instead cheer up and let time heal everything. Do remember that in every end there will always be a new beginning.
#zEYLerMoon 🙂