He had you and thought that you had him too. But then again, you were nothing but a nuisance to him. Someone to pass his time with. Can you relate? Here’s my message for you.

I was like the bookmark of your favorite book.
I was a big part, but you chose to give me away as I was just a temptation for you to stop reading until the end. You want to reach everything, but you don’t want me with it. You gave me away to someone who does not have the same book, but still keep me despite being broken because of you. But when I came back, again, and again, and again, you only push me away.
Threw me like I was never yours, or you never even treated me like yours.
Now, I was torn even more, as you let me out of the book, and gave me away completely. He took me, again. Now, I’m his.
I just want to say, it’s your loss, not mine. I may be broken now, but I’ll be fine sooner, now that he’s taking me even though I chose you.
This bookmark will soon be a book that is worthy, acceptable, and a priority.

For taking me for granted, for throwing me away a lot of times, for not choosing to keep me when I beg you to. Remember and regret. You should’ve not treated me like a distraction. ?
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